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Choose the colours for your braces! 

The most exciting part of having braces is getting to choose what braces colours you would like.  But this can be a much more difficult thing to decide on than it would seem.  With more than 20 colours available there are tons of different colour combinations to choose from so how to choose braces colours can be hard.  You can choose to have themed colours like orange and black for Halloween or Christmas colours to get in the festive spirit.  You could even choose to have the colour of your birthstone!

Why Do Braces Have Those Coloured Bands On Each Tooth?


If you look closely at braces you will see that these tiny rubber bands, called ligature ties, are used to hold the wire in place.  The wire is what straightens your teeth and the brackets need to fit tightly to the wire in order for your teeth to be straightened. Not all braces need these ligature ties.  Self-ligating braces do no need these little rubber bands.  The brackets on these braces close over the wire and, therefore, don’t need the elastics to keep the wire in place.


What Colour Braces Bands Are Available?


There are a number of different brands of braces bands which orthodontists use. We use the Alastik™ system  which comes with a very cool range of more than 20 colours (including metallic options) which allows for many different combinations!


Good Braces Colours For Girls


Some really cute colour combinations for girls are pink and green, like a watermelon.  Pink and purple look great together, as do purple and teal.  If you like colours but don’t want something too bright, try some lighter colour combinations such as light pink and light blue.


Braces Colour Ideas For Guys


Popular colour choices of braces for boys are their favorite sports team or their school colours.  Red and green, or blue and navy looks great on guys.  Dark red look good on boys (and girls), and the colour can make your teeth appear whiter.


What Are Some Braces Colours To Avoid?


Some colours don’t look as great on your braces as you would think.  No matter how white your teeth are, having white ligature ties can make your teeth appear yellow.  And having yellow ligature ties can make your teeth look even more yellow!  White or clear ligature ties tend to become discoloured very quickly.  These pale colours can stain easily from eating coloured foods such as curries and tomatoes.  Any food or drink which is strong in colour may stain your braces so it is best to avoid them whenever possible. Dark green is another colour which should be avoided.  It can look like you have spinach stuck in your teeth, which is not the best look.




Still can’t decide what colour to get?  Just choose your favorite colour or get silver to begin with.  Remember, you can choose a different colour when you get your braces adjusted, so you won’t be stuck with the same colours forever.  For those of you who are having trouble visualising how colours look together on braces, you can use our braces colour planner above to help you decide.

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