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First timer? 

Orthodontist... even the word sounds pretty scary huh!

Don't worry, Orthodontics is just the branch of dentistry that specializes in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental and facial irregularities. Treatment can involve different kinds of retainers, removable and fixed appliances and braces.

But you don't want to wear braces. Yeah, we know, no one does. But remember, orthodontic treatment helps to achieve balance and harmony between the teeth and the face in order to create a beautiful and healthy smile. A pleasant smile, in turn, contributes to a positive self-image and an increased level of self-confidence.

The average length of time to wear braces is only 18 to 24 months. The total time in treatment depends upon the complexity of the case and the cooperation of the patient. Willingness to participate fully in your program of orthodontics is essential in order to minimize your time in treatment and to maximize your result. 

How long will my appointments be?

Your longest appointment will be on the day that your braces are placed. It takes approximately 2 hours to place full braces. Once your braces are in place, appointments will be for activations and wire changes. Depending upon the procedure planned for you, these appointments may last from 15 minutes to 45 minutes.

How often will my appointments be?
Forces are applied to teeth by wires, elastics and other auxiliaries. After forces are applied, time is necessary for tooth movement to occur. Your appointments during your active treatment will therefore be every 8 weeks.

During your orthodontic treatment your diet is very important.

You should not eat foods or drink beverages which have a high sugar content. This is because your teeth are at risk of decalcifying (the generation of white spots around the brackets). Decalcification is the initial stage of tooth decay which results from poor oral hygiene practices in conjunction with a diet which is rich in sugar. Engage in responsible brushing and flossing in order to avoid decalcification.

You should avoid the consumption of hard foods during your orthodontic treatment. Hard foods such as nuts, toasted bagels, pizza crusts, ice, jaw breakers and popcorn kernels can break your wires and brackets. Raw fruits and vegetables and tough meats should be cut into small bite-size pieces and chewed on your back teeth. Before eating corn-on-the-cob, kernels should be removed from the cob. Pencil and pen chewing should also be avoided to prevent the breakage of your appliance.

Will my braces be uncomfortable?

Your mouth will be sore for a few days up to a week after your braces are placed. Adults may experience longer periods of discomfort that improves with time. When you have your adjustment appointments, you may also experience some discomfort that can last a few days. The discomfort you are feeling occurs because your teeth are moving. You may also feel some tenderness in your lips, cheeks and tongue from the brackets and wires.

There are ways to relieve the discomfort and tenderness:

  • Take Advil™ as recommended.
  • Eat soft foods such as fish, yogurt, pasta, soups and blended foods.
  • Use wax that we supply to cover projecting edges and wires.


Brushing and flossing.

Proper, regular brushing and flossing is paramount. Brush after every meal and snack. You should especially concentrate around the gum line where the plaque accumulates. If your gums bleed when you brush, it is a sign that your oral hygiene practices are not ideal. Flossing is very important and should be done once a day using floss threaders. We will show you how to brush and floss with your braces on. It is advisable that you see your family dentist for regular dental check-ups during your orthodontic treatment.


Information Sheets and Care Instructions

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